Prisms of Light
Teachings from Off Planet Beings


Beings from Other Realms

Please read the following dissertations with joy, feeling the resonance within you. May these teachings and concepts change your life forever!

Editor’s Note:
These writings are from direct communication between Jerry Brown and primarily a fifth dimensional being named Dadroff. We were told not to edit the material, except for punctuation and basic spelling so the fifth dimensional vibration of the material would not be altered. You will note, however, that there are some words that are not in our third dimension dictionary!

Please understand, as we have, that these beings use telepathy, and in communicating with us, have had to “find” the words and concepts by “listening” to our thought patterns. There has been a learning curve between the clearer form of telepathy and our verbal form. This will be obvious in the beginning of these transmissions.

Also, in third dimension, due to the low density and concepts of duality (right/wrong, good/bad, etc.) and our need of survival, we have developed active minds. These other beings do not need to think as many thoughts at one time as we do. We are mental. They are more “feeling”. So, for me, I had issues with the "wordy” information, and my reaction was to heavily edit the material. It was embarrassing for me (the ego and “I” energy), when Dadroff told me that by doing so, I’d changed the fifth dimensional energy back to third dimensional energy! So just allow yourself to feel this without being too mental. The wordiness will force you to ponder the words, and the fifth dimensional information will be understood and infused on another level.

When needed, I will clarify in Editor's Notes, so the life experiences that Dadroff has used as examples will be easier to understand. It's hard to know what was going on unless you were there, and many of our experiences have been used as examples for our understanding these concepts.

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